Sunday 31 July 2011

How to keep fit in summer?

Summer is the hottest season in the year. It’s that time of the year when we tend to get lazy and lie down the bed or we just want to do nothing and just eat and eat. In this hot season, how can we keep fit? Plan a vacation in summer resort or going some places where you want to spend the whole summer is a good choice. But the important things you need to look out are the diet and the sleep.
As it‘s very hot in summer, you will be fond of cold food. But if you always eat in outdoors not cook by yourself, please be care of Intestines problems. The Epidemics is popular in this season, so you should have a habit of good personal hygiene. Don’t eat too much cold food, appropriate is fine. Too much cold food is a big hurt to your stomach.
Remember to eat vegetables and fruits everyday which are rich in vitamins, it will improve your immune system. Such as, tomato, cucumber, rape, grape, strawberry, carrot, apple, pear etc. These food are full of vitamins, they can add the minerals and trace elements for our body cycle. Doctors who practice traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) refer to cauliflower as "white treasure," as its vitamin C content is three or four times higher than that of Chinese cabbage and soybean sprouts, and two times greater than that of oranges and tangerines. Cauliflower will help you prevent colds and some other respiratory diseases, and it will help clean your blood vessels.
Besides the food, water is necessary for us, too. Water is the source of life. Drink eight glasses of water everyday is helpful for our health. Water can not only clean up our blood but also add our energy.
As summer is very hot, we may feel tired very often. Sound sleep is essential for us to keep fit. Don’t eat too much when sleeping, keep a peaceful mood and have a wash before sleeping, these will help you have a sound sleep and a full energy to work on daytime.
Exercises improve the functions of your digestive system, as they promote peristalses of your stomach and intestines, stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, and improve blood circulation in your stomach and intestines. In particular, exercises help cure a peptic ulcer. You can get up early in the morning or have a proper exercise after dinner, such as walking and jogging, to strengthen the stomach in order to improve digestion and keep fit.

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